Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is the act of teaching an individual or person the knowledge that you have gained from research, studying, experiences, and self. Teaching means to me that you can show to the individual or group others ways of understanding or learning situations, how to do things, and life experiences. Teaching also is a process we increase a person’s understanding in something matter through our explanation.

In teaching profession, the responsibility of teachers is heavily tough. This is because a teacher is going to deal with a human, or their student which having emotion that difficult to be expected. It is not easy to handle and make a person satisfied with our explanation because every person has their own way to think, and react. As a teacher, we must know our student’s background and react with them as the way there are.

I also believe that, the responsibility of a teachers it is not just teaching and learning in the classroom to finish the syllabus but most important in human being. I will lead them to be a better person with hope one day they can devoted to our country and religion.

I hope, I can be a good teacher to my student. All the effort was put to make it happen.

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